Ask The Tree Pt. 1 // I’m starting a novel

Authors Note: As I transition into college, I want to start a novel-length work. It will be written in stream-of-consciousness style poetry, and the plot is still in development. But it’s working itself out as I work it out. Here is a bit – enjoy!


Sometimes I wondered if you were the apple or the snake.

I know you weren’t Adam and you certainly weren’t Eve but

You were the knowledge I wanted.

You were also the one who whispered in my ear,

“Take a bite,”

And I did.

And you engulfed me like a sea-salt wave,

Burning my scars, burning the holes in my pores and filling me with

A photosynthesis;

Salt is a life-force I never tasted until I tasted it on your tongue.

It felt like a quantum leap; I was a being with a meager energy fed

By the light reflecting off of my pen cover.

Shot forward by the energy of your eyes reflecting my cheekbones.

You said,

“Take a bite.”

And I did.


Ask the tree.


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